Avoid frustrations, extra costs and delays when setting up business in Indonesia

PRIME Consultancy brings plenty of crucial experience to the table when foreign investors assign us for setting up their business in Indonesia. We can help and support investors with our vast expertise and inside-out knowledge in any stage of a company establishment. It is a pity that company establishments in Indonesian still face severe struggles and severe bureaucratic hurdles despite all frequently report efforts of the government about trying to ease regulations and simplifying investment processes. Besides the Online Single Submission system (OSS) nothing much was implemented so far and therefore a thorough conventional approach is more than ever before needed. Still, many details about a new entity need to be decided and declared right from the beginning. Plenty of documents of the designated shareholders…


Strengthening After-Sales-Services and Maintenance in Compliance with the Indonesian Investment Law

The year 2019 will go down in Indonesia as one with investments underperforming and sluggish growth. In fact domestic and international factors led to declining exports and a GDP decrease now under 5%. In front of such a scenario, providers of investment goods and machinery see a need for focusing more on providing technical services to their clients than hoping for a quick market turnaround. If new orders are postponed, existing machinery will have to do the job and therefore strengthening after sales services is the call of such days to come. This creates heightened demand to add on to a representative office or wholesales company. For pro-active service programs and being able to supply spare-parts on time to safeguard customer satisfaction add-ons are required…


Utilize Sales Agencies for Market Entries

Introducing a foreign company or product to new markets naturally goes along with significant time spent and capital commitment. Establishing a company (e.g. PT PMA) or representative offices for trading (e.g. KP3A) is not necessarily the swiftest market entry strategy. Instead and perhaps as an interim solution appointing a business partner as sales agent who can represent companies could be considered. However, there are four areas for careful consideration.Testing the market: Many lessons have shown that product launches can fail in Indonesia, even if proven successful in neighboring countries. Sales agents can be tasked to reduce that risk and answer the important question if your product has your expected demand. PRIME can help you identifying such competent agents.Leverage on local insights: The very polite and…


Leseempfehlung „Die Wahl wird in der Moschee entschieden“

MONTAG, 15.04.2019 F.A.Z. - WIRTSCHAFT „Die Wahl wird in der Moschee entschieden“ Diese Woche stehen Wahlen in Südostasiens größter Volkswirtschaft an. Dabei geht es um den wirtschaftlichen Kurs, aber auch um die zunehmende Islamisierung. JAKARTA, 14. April. All die neuen Brücken, Eisenbahnen, Häfen und Flughäfen sowie die erste U-Bahn in Jakarta, die gerade eröffnet wurde – sie können den Aufschwung Indonesiens verkörpern. Oder auch diese gelbe Box, am hinteren Rand einer Frachthalle am Flughafen Jakartas. Gesichert von einer Stahlschiebetür, öffnet sich ein blitzsauberer Raum, in dem blaue Fässer von BASF lagern und ein paar Kartons mit medizinischem Bedarf. Wer aus der grellen Sonne in die dunkle Halle tritt, den fröstelt bald. „Wir kühlen den Raum auf bis zu 2 Grad herunter“, sagt Vincent K.C. Yong.…


Revamping your Hiring Process in 2019

PRIME Consultancy is appointed by Humanostics, a Danish headquartered management consulting firm specialized in workforce analytics, to represent their leading HR-Profiling-Tools in Indonesia.Their Predictive Index stands out by enabling HR managers and users to create a required behavioral profile for a specific job role. The job assessment gives all involved persons a proven framework. The targeted job profile can then be compared to any person who has completed the behavioural assessment, for example, job applicants or employees waiting to be promoted.The online tool helps you to save time and HR expenditures by identifying the talent with the best matching behavior. How effective this is in practice shows the case study of DocuSign. The NASDAQ listed company used the Predictive Index to improve their HR hiring…